Grocock, N.L., R.E. Batallas, E.A.McNamara, A.B. Sturm, J.S. Manson and M.L. Evenden. 2020. Bumble bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) respond to moth (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) pheromone components, leading to bee bycatch in monitoring traps targeting moth pests. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. DOI/10.3389/fevo.2020.576692
Kohler, M., A. Sturm, C.S. Sheffield, C.N. Carlyle and J.S. Manson. 2020. Native bee communities vary across three prairie ecoregions due to land use, climate, sampling method and bee life history traits. Insect Conservation and Diversity 13: 571-584.
Parachnowitsch, A.L., J.S. Manson and N. Sletvold. 2019. Evolutionary ecology of nectar. Annals of Botany 123: 247-261.
Jamieson, M.A, L.A. Burkle, J.S. Manson, J.B. Runyon, A.M. Trowbridge and J. Zientek. 2017. Global change effects on plant-insect interactions: the role of phytochemistry. Current Opinion in Insect Science 23: 70-80.
Schaeffer, R.N., Y. Z. Mei, J. Andicoechea, J.S. Manson, and R.E. Irwin. 2017. Consequences of a nectar yeast for pollinator preference and performance. Functional Ecology 31: 613-621.
Higuera-Diaz, M., J.S. Manson and J.C. Hall. 2015. Pollination biology of Cleomella serrulata and Polanisia dodecandra in a protected natural prairie in Southern Alberta, Canada. Botany 93:1-13.
Parachnowitsch, A.L.* and J.S. Manson*. 2015.The chemical ecology of plant pollinator interactions: recent advances and future directions. Current Opinion in Insect Science 8:41-46.
*Equally contributing authors
Richardson, L.L., L.S. Adler, A.S. Leonard, J. Andicoechea, K. H. Regan, W. E. Anthony, J.S. Manson and R.E. Irwin. 2015. Secondary metabolites in floral nectar reduce parasite infections in bumble bees. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282: 20142471.
Irwin, R.E., L.L. Richardson, J.S. Manson, D.R. Gardner and D. Cook. 2014. Secondary compounds in floral rewards of toxic rangeland plants: Impacts on pollinators. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 62: 7335-7344.
Manson, J.S., D. Cook, D.R. Gardner and R.E. Irwin. 2013. Dose-dependent effects of nectar alkaloids in a montane plant-pollinator community. Journal of Ecology 101: 1604-1612.
Cook, D., J.S. Manson, D.R. Gardner, K.D. Welch and R.E. Irwin. 2013. Norditerpene alkaloid concentrations in tissues and floral rewards of larkspurs and impacts on pollinators. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 48: 123-131.
Schaeffer, R.N., J.S. Manson and R.E. Irwin. 2013. Effects of abiotic factors and species interactions on male plant function: a meta-analysis. Ecology Letters 16: 399-408.
Manson, J.S., S. Rasmann, R. Halitschke, J.D. Thomson and A.A. Agrawal. 2012. Cardenolides in nectar are not a mere consequence of allocation to other plant parts: a phylogenetic study of milkweeds (Asclepias). Functional Ecology 26: 1100-1110.
Ostevik, K.L†. , J.S. Manson and J.D. Thomson. 2010. Pollination potential of male
bumble bees (Bombus impatiens): movement patterns and pollen transfer efficiency. Journal of Pollination Ecology. 2: 21-26.
†Undergraduate author
Irwin, R.E., J. L. Bronstein, J.S. Manson and L. Richardson. 2010. Nectar robbing: ecological and evolutionary perspectives. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution & Systematics 41: 271-292.
Manson, J.S.*, M.C. Otterstatter* and J.D. Thomson. 2010. Consumption of a nectar alkaloid reduces pathogen load in bumble bees. Oecologia. 162: 81-89.
*Equally contributing authors
Manson, J.S. and J.D. Thomson. 2009. Post-ingestive effects of nectar alkaloids depend on dominance status of bumble bees. Ecological Entomology 34: 421-426.
Vallejo-Marín, M., J.S. Manson, J.D. Thomson and S.C.H. Barrett. 2009. Division of labor within flowers: Heteranthery, a floral strategy to reduce conflict between pollen functions. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22: 828-839.
Inácio, J., M.F. Landell, P. Valente, P.H. Wang, Y.T. Wang, S.H. Yang, J.S. Manson, M. A. Lachance, C. A. Rosa and A. Fonseca. 2008. Farysizyma gen. nov., an anamorphic genus in the Ustiliaginales to accommodate three novel epiphytic basidiomycetous yeast species from America, Europe and Asia. FEMS Yeast Research 8: 499-508.
Campitelli, B.E., A.K. Simonsen, A.R.Wolf, J.S. Manson, and J.R. Stinchcombe. 2008. Leaf shape variation and herbivore consumption and performance: A case study with Ipomoea hederacea and three generalists. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 2: 9-19.
Gegear, R.J.*, J.S. Manson*, and J.D. Thomson. 2007. Ecological context influences pollinator deterrence by alkaloids in floral nectar. Ecology Letters 10: 375-382.
*Equally contributing authors
Manson, J.S., M.A. Lachance, and J.D. Thomson. 2007. Candida gelsemii sp. nov., a yeast of the Metschnikowiaceae clade isolated from nectar of the poisonous Carolina Jessamine. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 92: 37-42.